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Infection control

Please follow the links, in blue, below to find out about our surgery policy on infection control.

We would encourage patients to report any breeches of hygiene and/or cleanliness that they become aware of. Please ask to speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns regarding Infection Protection control.

Infection prevention and control is the work an organisation does to identify potential risks for spread of infection between patients (and between patients and staff) and to take measures to reduce that risk. The Practice takes its responsibility to do this very seriously.

All our staff take responsibility for their own role in this and all staff receive regular training in their role in Infection prevention and control.

The Practice Infection prevention and control lead is Jessica Twiston-Davies, one of our practice nurses.

If you need to see a clinician at the surgery but know you have a contagious infection i.e. diarrhoea and vomiting or Influenza, please alert staff when booking your appointment. It may be that coming to the surgery is not the best option, but reception can liaise with a clinician to see if you should be accommodated in an area away from vulnerable patients and we can provide you, if required, with a disposable vomit bowl etc.

Infection control policy (PDF)

Infection control – Biological substances 2022 (PDF)

This next item may appear rather silly and I fully expect many patients to say “I know how to wash my hands, I’m not a child”! However correct handwashing, as promoted by the NHS, is in fact not how most people do wash their hands. How to properly wash your hands.

Handwashing is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infection.

If you do not have immediate access to soap and water then use alcohol-based hand rub if available.

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from illnesses such as food poisoning and flu.

When should you wash your hands?

You should wash your hands:

  • after using the toilet or changing a nappy
  • before and after handling raw foods like meat and vegetables
  • before eating or handling food
  • after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing
  • before and after treating a cut or wound
  • after touching animals, including pets, their food and after cleaning their cages

Washing your hands properly removes dirt, viruses and bacteria to stop them spreading to other people and objects, which can spread illnesses such as food poisoning, flu or Diarrhoea.

It can help stop people picking up infections and spreading them to others.

It can also help stop spreading infections when you’re visiting someone in hospital or another healthcare setting.

Date published: 3rd October 2016
Date last updated: 28th April 2022

Page published: 26 February 2024
Last updated: 26 February 2024